Shipment Compliance

Do I Need A Certificate For Exporting To Gabon?

Products requiring a Certificate of Conformity

Exporters/Importers trading with Gabon need to comply with the requirements of the Agence Gabonaise de Normalisation (AGANOR) Conformity Assessment Programme to Standards Programme known as PROGEC. The objective of the PROGEC is to ensure that the Regulated Product Shipments comply with the approved International Standards/ Gabonese Technical regulations, prior to the shipment.

The PROGEC has been implemented to assure Gabonese consumers of the quality and safety of imported goods and to facilitate trade. "Regulated Products" within the programme require a Certificate of Conformity (CoC) which verifies, in the respective exporting countries, that the products comply with the applicable International Standards/ Gabonese Technical regulations.

The full list of regulated products can be found within the Resources Section of this website. Products covered but not limited to include:

  • Toys
  • Electrical and Electronic
  • Health and Medical / Surgical Instruments & Appliances
  • Personal Care / Cosmetics
  • Automotive Parts
  • Chemical Products
  • Mechanical material and gas appliances
  • Industrial Machinery
  • Building / Construction Materials
  • Protective Safety Equipment
  • Used Products

If the products you are exporting to Gabon fall within the Regulated Product List you will require a Certificate of Conformity in order to clear Customs.

Products exempt from a Certificate of Conformity

The following products do not require a Certificate of Conformity:

  • Postal packages with no commercial value and express couriers (Includes: mails, letter or paper documents only. Excludes: Express couriers packages having a commercial value);
  • Commercial samples;
  • Gifts from governments or international organisations to foundations, recognised charitable or humanitarian organisations;
  • Personal gifts;
  • Foreign government aid, aid from overseas organisations or private individuals in the event of a disaster;
  • Gifts and furniture imported for personal use by diplomatic missions and consulate organisations;
  • Goods acquired with the aid of donations and external funds and obtaining of loans.

However, the above listed exempted products may need to comply with other Gabonese regulatory requirements.

Gabon Business Export Guide
Resource Centre
Exporting To Africa Video